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Im Siwan's upcoming series - Summer Strike (I Don't Want to do Anything) [아무것도 하고 싶지 않아]

It is about people who decide to quit their busy life in the city and move to a small town to find themselves.

Here's the trailer for the series...

“As the story’s setting moves from the hustle and bustle of the city to a village in the countryside, I felt very comfortable as if I were taking a deep breath.”

Im Siwan plays Ahn Dae Bum, a genius who competed in math problems against Seoul National University students 20 years ago. After experiencing an unfortunate incident, he still managed to enter Seoul National University, but the shy Ahn Dae Bum now works as a librarian in a small seaside village named Angok.

Here's a poster with the title handwritten by Siwan.

Here's Siwan's interview from the promotions of the series - with English subtitles, with the help of Google Translate.

"If you focus on the friendly atmosphere of the countryside, I think you will be able to heal as you watch the series."

Some frames from the series... simple, beautiful & serene.

Some more frames...

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