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Yim Siwan's Hwang Dong-joo in the series Tracer

One series. One character. A range of looks & emotions. Siwan is at his effortless best. Only he can pull off this with such charm.

Tracer series tagline is "An exhilarating pursuit of an ambitious man chasing bad money". Siwan's exceptional performance in this series is full of different shades and textures. This is one of the roles best suited for his charisma and acting calibre.

Im Siwan plays the lead role in the web series Tracer, available on Amazon Prime Video (with Kocowa) for selected countries. You can watch it using VPN.

Here is the trailer. I love its edgy treatment. Classic slo-mo-walk-to-the-camera with dialogues used as text. Enough to intrigue.

The series is complex with many twists. Siwan as always has done full justice to this role. Everyone in the series is exceptional - the cast is sheer genius.

Siwan got opportunity to showcase various emotions and shades within this one series.

He also got opportunity to perform many monologues - each with a different vibe.

Siwan likes to get into the depth and mind of his characters. You can see the layers of the character - when he is interacting with someone he hate, someone he cares, when he is alone planning or when he is alone facing his own demons. Siwan's mindset comes across very well in every scene. I love how he has kept the vulnerability of his character alive in various scenes - even though he is serious and in control.

Recently this series was aired in Taiwan. Here are excerpts from an interview recerntly shared there.

The story tells that Huang Dongzhu ( played by Ren Shiwan ) is an accountant who works in a big company. His father is a righteous investigator of the National Taxation Office. His father committed suicide in a bizarre way, which made him decide to enter the National Taxation Office to find the truth and correct it. There is a case every two episodes , The rhythm is fast, and new foreshadowings will be planted at the end of each episode, which makes people want to watch it. Is the National Tax Service incompetent in the face of large companies or celebrities who evade taxes, and the flow of illegal income, or collusion between officials and businessmen? Can Huang Dongzhu succeed in avenging his father?

Yim Siwan said, "Tracer was not a work I wanted to shoot from the beginning, because there were a lot of lines, and I just wanted to escape at that time. But seeing a scene in the script where [Hwang Dong-joo] cleverly disrupted the meeting and cut off the mastermind's left and right arms, I felt that he was very charming character. This became the reason I took this role, because if I reject such a good piece of work, it will violate my mission as an actor."

In order to portray the change of mentality after his father's death, Yim Siwan suggested that Huang Dong-joo's should be wearing crumpled clothes such as jeans that have not been washed for days, a down jacket, and a yellowed coat, with unkempt fluffy hair on his head.

Here are some fun clips of Yim Siwan in Tracer.

Siwan is Swag. Swag is Siwan.

Siwan's suddenly breaking into his sweet smile when facing his antagonists is my favourite thing. If this is not sweetness+mischief overload, then what is?!

Just when you think Siwan is the sweet boy next door... he takes the action up by 10 notches.

Here is the behind the scenes for the shooting of the last episode of the series, shared on Plum Actors' YouTube Channel.

Here is a gorgeous picture of Siwan from the same day.


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