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'My Glorious Moment' BFF Edition of Marie Claire Korea with English Subtitles

Here's the short interview of Siwan, as a part of a montage of 11 actors and directors for the Busan Film Festival.

It's heartwarming as he recounts the first standing applause of his life. He confesses that he wants to aim for more such applause.

[update: 26 Oct 22]: I found the transcript of this interview with proper English translation.

“It was about five years ago. It was the first time in my life that I went to the Cannes International Film Festival with the movie <The Bullies: The World of Bad Guys> [The Merciless]. It was there that I first encountered the culture of overseas film festivals. After all the spectators have been seated, the actors, directors, and staff enter at the end. Then the waiting audience gives a standing ovation. That's welcome. What was particularly memorable about the scene at that time was the facial expressions of the audience who were unfamiliar with me. There was absolutely no information about me. And after the movie is over, they applaud in the same way, and I felt a completely different temperature difference from when I first entered. They applauded very enthusiastically and I could feel the expressions of 'Did you play that role?' and 'You did that kind of acting' from each and every audience. It was the most thrilling moment of my life.”

Here is the clip of the standing ovation for Siwan and the team of The Merciless at Cannes 2017.

Dear Siwan, wish you many more glorious moments!

Here's is the behind the scenes of this interview from Plum A&C's YouTube channel.

Description (Google Translate)

[Im Si-wan] It would be better for everyone to hold onto their hearts and watch

♥ If you look at the thumbnail, you can't not come in♡

Behind the scenes of Marie Claire's pictorial of the actor Im Siwan that can't be overlooked!


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