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Im Siwan in the top 100 male actors from Korea - The Actor is Present '21

Image: GQ Korea

The Korean Actors 200 KOFIC campaign ‘The Actor is Present’ sees the selection of 100 men and 100 women who represent the present and the future of Korean film. Here is the actor who will impress the world.

"Everything Yim Siwan does is a leap. He dominates the screen with his upright image, soft charisma, and wide acting spectrum."

2017 - Different Faces, One Class Act: Im Siwan’s 6 Most Iconic Roles by Diannep_Kim

Her descriptions are accurate and she's a better writer than me. So best to give it a quick read.

But what makes him a force to be reckoned with is the depth of his acting — there is a maturity that belies his young age and his good looks. With his chameleon-like acting skills, he is able to transcend idol-turned-actor stereotypes and make big-time directors and viewers take notice.

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