In this video you can see Siwan with his Z:EA brothers. This is a funny version of their song Watch Out!!
I love how Siwan is enjoying on his own, most of the time absent from the field of view, and just pops up in front of the camera on his cue. It's hilarious... Till the end!
Here is the original song... I find this itself quite funny. Happy that Siwan gets the girl (even though it's all just a dream)...
It's always a pleasure to watch Siwan! Isn't it?
The girl chooses Siwan out of the 9 boys and they are seen getting married (?) as well! Hahaha... too funny!
Here's a performance of the same song.
#Siwan#YimSiwan#ImSiwan#임시완#任時完#時完#SquidGame#SquidGame2#RunOn#런온#Unlocked#스마트폰을떨어뜨렸을뿐인데#原本以為只是手機掉了#SummerStrike #아무것도하고싶지않아#夏日大罷工#夏天不上班#fanconcert #whyiam#zea#EmergencyDeclaration#緊急迫降#BestSupportingActorNomination#提名最佳男配角#AsianFilmAwards#亞洲電影大獎#TheAttorney#TheMerciless#StrangersFromHell#Tracer#Boston1947#RoadToBoston